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Freight & Fresh Food


Freight & Fresh Food

Mai Wiru Region­al Stores oper­ates its own freight ser­vice from Ade­laide to all APY Lands com­mu­ni­ties. Toll is con­tract­ed as the trans­port sup­pli­er using a ded­i­cat­ed triple road train ful­ly fund­ed by Mai Wiru. A trans­port ser­vice owned by the major users, the Com­mu­ni­ty Stores, ensures the long term via­bil­i­ty of the service.

For details on our freight ser­vice to the APY Lands, please enquire via our email:

APY Lands Trans­port Schedule


Freight & Fresh Food Features

Fea­tures of the Mai Wiru Freight Service

Notes on Com­mu­ni­ty Freight Service

Freight Charges

The most effi­cient use of the space & weight capac­i­ty avail­able is key to the effi­cient oper­a­tion of any trans­port ser­vice and hence it is any indus­try stan­dard to charge for both the weight and vol­ume of a freight con­sign­ment to allow for this.

A box of feath­ers and a box of bricks takes up the same space on a truck and if we only charged on weight then our costs would not be cov­ered with the feath­ers box.
We Serve

Our Com­mu­ni­ties

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