Bush Orders


Bush Orders – APY Lands

Mai Wiru offers customers the ability to place bush orders and have them delivered across the APY Lands via our Adelaide depot.


How do I place a Bush Order?

If you do wish to pur­chase gro­ceries via a Bush Order, please read the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion care­ful­ly. Instruc­tions are impor­tant to fol­low to ensure the goods are ordered and packed cor­rect­ly for trans­port, and deliv­ered on time to the Mai Wiru Toll Depot in Wing­field for the week­ly truck service.

For bush orders, Banana Blue is our pre­ferred sup­pli­er, as their orders are packed in box­es, and per­ish­able goods in foam eskies with ice (unlike Coles & Wool­worths who send in loose shop­ping bags or crates).

What will it cost me?

What you pay to Banana Blue for your order, includ­ing their deliv­ery charge to the Wing­field Toll depot, is inde­pen­dent of Mai Wiru. Mai Wiru charge sep­a­rate­ly for the cost of freight­ing your order from the depot to the APY Lands. An invoice will be emailed to the receiv­er the week after the freight trav­els, and pay­ment can be made via EFT or cred­it card. Charges for stan­dard bush orders are below.

Below are freight charges for stan­dard bush order car­tons from Wing­field to any APY Com­mu­ni­ty. For infor­ma­tion on freight pric­ing on larg­er items click here.

$28.50 for first car­ton up to 10kg + $0.90 per kg (or approx. $9.00 for sub­se­quent car­tons) + fuel levy + GST.

Bush order car­tons 0 – 10kg are all charged at 10kg.

Where Do I Col­lect My Order From?

Your order will be deliv­ered to the local com­mu­ni­ty store in each APY Lands com­mu­ni­ty, and held there for col­lec­tion when con­ve­nient by receivers. This will include the hold­ing of refrig­er­at­ed goods in the store chillers or freez­ers to ensure cold chain integrity.

When Does The Truck Get Into My Community?

The Mai Wiru truck’s approx­i­mate trans­port sched­ule can be found below. But please keep in mind that fac­tors such as poor weath­er and road con­di­tions can delay the truck’s arrival time.

View Transport Schedule

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