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(08) 89291639




Operating as a charity under the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profit Commission, Mai Wiru is an unfund­ed, not-for-prof­it Indigenous organ­i­sa­tion regis­tered under ORIC.  

Mai Wiru is fully-owned and controlled by Aboriginal people, and its board includes representatives from all communities on the APY Lands. The Board recog­nis­es that with continued growth, Mai Wiru must adapt the way it does busi­ness to achieve sus­tain­abil­i­ty. 


Mai Wiru supports communities, through the:

Return of profits to each community

Management of community stores

Underpinning financially unviable stores to ensure delivery of essential services

Business & Financial reporting regularly delivered to communities

Effecting positive outcomes through its grass root projects
